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May’s Gardening Jobs
Laura Kendallsmith Laura Kendallsmith

May’s Gardening Jobs

Oh what an exciting month May is in the garden! There are so many elements of the garden that are really bursting into life in May and with the longer and…

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April’s Gardening Jobs
Laura Kendallsmith Laura Kendallsmith

April’s Gardening Jobs

April is such an exciting month in the garden, the temperatures are (usually) starting to rise, the days are getting longer and there’s so much anticipation as Spring gets in full swing…

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Does a low maintenance garden REALLY exist?
Laura Kendallsmith Laura Kendallsmith

Does a low maintenance garden REALLY exist?

I should start this post with first answering the question ‘does a no maintenance garden exist?’ which is as simple as ‘no, it does not’. As with anything in life, any garden will need some form of attention paid to it from one time or another

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